Diversity Inclusion

In today’s political, economic, and global business environment, diversity has become increasingly important. The number of executives who cited inclusion as a top priority has risen 32 percent from the Human Capital Trends 2014 survey, and in the last three years, the percentage of companies that rate themselves excellent at gender diversity went up by 72 percent. Based on this year’s survey, 48 percent of companies consider themselves adequate at focusing on global cultural diversity, and 69 percent of companies consider themselves adequate or excellent at supporting a variety of family models in the workforce.
In today’s political, economic, and global business environment, diversity has become increasingly important. The number of executives who cited inclusion as a top priority has risen 32 percent from the Human Capital Trends 2014 survey, and in the last three years, the percentage of companies that rate themselves excellent at gender diversity went up by 72 percent. Based on this year’s survey, 48 percent of companies consider themselves adequate at focusing on global cultural diversity, and 69 percent of companies consider themselves adequate or excellent at supporting a variety of family models in the workforce.
As awareness around diversity and inclusion grows, diversity and inclusion have become more important for talent acquisition and a company’s employment brand. Many organizations operate in an environment of high transparency, which employees demand. For younger workers, inclusion is not just about assembling diverse teams but also about connecting team members so that everyone is heard and respected. Companies should align their approach with the expectations of Millennials and others, or they will likely lose talent.
The most popular solution today is training. But while such interventions are helpful, it appears that making people aware is not enough. Organizations should consider making structural changes, implementing transparent, data-driven solutions, and immersing executives in the world of bias to give them a visceral understanding of how bias impacts decision making, talent decisions, and business outcomes.

Diversity and Inclusion at ObjectWin

Here’s how we ensure Diversity in our recruiting practices at ObjectWin:

Our Job Ads:

Studies have found that even small differences in wording can send very different messages to prospective applicants. So if you’re wondering why you get a majority of men applying for your jobs, maybe it’s because your ad asked for someone who can “analyze markets to determine appropriate selling prices,” instead of someone who can “understand markets to establish appropriate selling prices.” The difference may seem insignificant, but the research shows that it makes a difference.

Our Diversity Policy

The ideal way to achieve success is to include the best and brightest irrespective of race, religion or gender “. At ObjectWin we have a diverse workforce comprehending and driving our success.

Represent Diversity

We represent diversity by having diverse team members handling our day to day business. This gives our clients the confidence that ObjectWin can standby the Diversity and Inclusion.

Be Accessible

If people have difficulty accessing our website, they’ll probably be discouraged from applying, either because they can’t find the information they need or because they simply feel excluded. So we have made sure that we have a robust Website and an easily navigable career page.
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